Discovering The Mystery Of Dreams: Five Books You Must Read

One of the most intriguing questions about humans is – why do we dream? There are many scientific theories about the complex process of dreaming that include explanations about sleep cycles, the meaning of dreams, the content of dreams, and how we can interpret them. The fact that we know so little about this has left room for pseudoscientific clarifications, since there is a lack of reliable evidence, even from the scientific point of view. Most of us have surely (at least once) searched google in order to find meaning in a weird dream. These interpretations are sometimes shallow, or they may include general explanations through some sort of symbolic reckoning (i.e. dreaming about teeth falling out means insecurity). Various religions offer specific dream interpretations, as it is believed that in dreams, man can get the warning signs he needs to prevent catastrophic events from occurring. So, it is believed that in dreams – we can get a hint of what is going to happen in the future. For this weekend’s reading, we have prepared five scientific explanations about dreams, starting with the best known – the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud.