Discover Prague as a University City: Where to Study, How Much It Costs and What It Offers For Leisure and Fun

Last week we started a new series of University Cities with Brno, Czech Republic. Continuing with our series on university cities we have a look at Prague this week.

As we had mentioned in our last article the costs, including course material, comes to under 1000 US$ when you study in the Czech Republic. This is if you study in Czech language. 

The country has created a unique position for itself that many of the public universities offer courses in English. This certainly means that the added costs these universities incur must be passed on to the students. Generally, the fees towards education in English at the university level comes to about 1000 3000 US$ per semester in most cases and can go appreciably upwards depending upon the study programme . This is much lower that what one may pay in the U.S., U.K., Australia or some other English speaking countries. At the same time, it must be said that the quality of teaching is excellent. 

It makes sense to learn the Czech language before beginning your university education in the Czech Republic. While a small percentage of the local population speaks English, if you’re looking to study and work it’s almost a certainty that you will be required to know the Czech language except in those few cases where foreigners get by on English alone. 

Prague, often called the magical city, offers quality education and lifestyle. Most universities have exchange programs and good international relations. 

Charles University 

The university has several faculties right from languages to medicine, most of them in prague and a couple of them in Pilsen and Hradec Kralove. 

International students will find comprehensive information on their website.

Czech Technical University 

From Architecture to Engineering in various disciplines, the university has a vast range of programmes. For more information visit the official website. 

Vysoka Skola Ekonomicka 

For management courses including finance and business administration or pure economics, this university is a good option and is well ranked among the universities of the world. Official website

Czech University of Life Sciences 

Has several faculties including economics, agrobiology, forestry and education. Official website

University of Chemistry and Technology

The major faculties at this university are Chemical Technology, Environmental Technology, Food and Biochemical Technology and Chemical Engineering. They have several other faculties. Official website

Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design 

Another good public university. Official website

Academy of Fine Arts 

Official website

Academy of Performing Arts

Major faculties, Theatre, Film and Television and Dance and Music. 

Official website

Additionally, there are several private institutions that offer courses in various disciplines. 

Cost of living 

Prague is a fairly affordable city and according to the cost of living index a single person’s costs apart from rent should be 628 US$ per month. With this kind of a budget one can live quite well in this city. Accommodations beginning with shared rooms or hostels can be found from 160 $ and upwards in accessible locations. 


There’s just no dearth of things to do in this city. You name it and you’ve got it. Starting with museums, theatres, musical shows, international films to pubs and everything in between. The city has a host of activities and events each week whatever the time of the year.

See also: Prague Through Photographs

Other articles from the series:
University Cities – Brno, Czech Republic and Brno in Photographs.

Photo: Shutterstock

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